MLFLW, LLC, (DBA “MLF”) expects strict adherence to the following rules by all pros. MLF recommends the use of livewell additives like T-H Marine G-Juice to help promote the healthy release of bass. MLF recommends the use of EPIRBs and Personal Locator Beacons. In the event of an emergency, please call 911 first and then notify the tournament director. The tournament director should be notified as soon as possible prior to weigh-in if you use a mobile communication device for any purpose other than GPS, mapping, weather, power generation, barge traffic updates, tidal charts, personal fishing notes and related data as outlined in rule 9. Except where noted, the following rules apply to Tackle Warehouse Invitational tournaments.
2025 Tackle Warehouse Invitational Rules:
1. INTERPRETATION & ENFORCEMENT • Interpretation and enforcement of these rules will be left exclusively to MLF. Decisions of the tournament director are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal. Each pro agrees to report any rule violation to the tournament director immediately upon discovery of the violation. Failure to report violations may be cause for disqualification. The violation of a tournament rule may result in, but is not limited to, weight loss, the loss of weight up to a particular time in the tournament day, the loss of weight for the entire day, the loss of the heaviest one-day catch, the loss of the heaviest bass for the day, loss of fishing time, disqualification from the entire tournament, a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $5,000 or ineligibility to participate in future MLF tournaments. Protests and/or alleged rule violations are to be documented in writing by the witness within 30 minutes of the check-in time of the final flight of each tournament day. MLF reserves the right to consider rule violations reported or discovered after a tournament has ended and assess penalties for future events, including denying entry to compete.
2. PAYBACK & PARTICIPATION • Payback is based on the number of paid entries. Participation is open only to MLF members who are 18 years of age or older prior to their last event of the season and have qualified or otherwise received an invitation to compete. Any person’s participation in any tournament is at the sole discretion of MLF officials. Any pro who, in the judgment of the tournament director, is disabled or handicapped in such a manner as to compromise his or her safety or the safety of other competitors or the boating public may not be eligible to participate. All pros must have a valid fishing license for the waters they fish. Random checks will be conducted at each tournament. Failure to provide proof of a valid fishing license within a reasonable amount of time when requested by the tournament director will result in disqualification for that day and any preceding days in which the license was required for the tournament.
ENTRY: The top 75 pros from the 2024 Tackle Warehouse Invitational Angler of the Year standings (round 1 qualifiers), top five pros from each U.S. division of the 2024 Toyota Series as defined in Toyota Series rules (round 2 qualifiers), 2024 All-American boater-division winner, 2024 TBF National Championship boater-division winner, and highest finishing pro from the International division at the 2023 Toyota Series Championship (round 3 qualifiers), and Bass Pro Tour pros who did not requalify for the 2025 Bass Pro Tour season (round 4 qualifiers) have until Nov. 4, 2024, to secure entry in all six (6) Invitationals. Round 1, 2, 3 and 4 qualifiers must enter all six (6) tournaments to secure their invitation. Entries from 2024 Tackle Warehouse Invitational anglers not included in round 1 fishing all six (6) Invitationals will be accepted Nov. 5, 2024. Entries from 2025 Bass Pro Tour anglers fishing all six (6) Invitationals will be accepted Nov. 6, 2024. Entries from the top 25 pros from each U.S. division of the 2024 Toyota Series fishing all six (6) Invitationals will be accepted Nov. 7, 2024. Anglers must enter and pay deposits by 5 p.m. Central time on their assigned entry date in order to secure their invitation to compete. Any remaining spots will be filled by open invitation to MLF members beginning Nov. 8, 2024, with priority given to anglers fishing all six (6) Invitationals. All other priority is based on time and date of entry. Entries must be made by calling MLF at 270.252.1000. Published payouts are based on 150 entries in each qualifying tournament. DEPOSITS AND ENTRY FEES ARE NONTRANSFERABLE AND NONREFUNDABLE ONCE ACCEPTED INTO A TOURNAMENT. Entries received after a tournament has been filled will be placed on a waiting list and called up based on number of remaining events entered and then time and date of entry. Those anglers placed on a waiting list and not accepted into the tournament will receive a full refund after the tournament. CONFIRMED ENTRIES ARE CONTINGENT UPON COMPLETE ENTRY FEE BEING PAID BY THE BALANCE DEADLINE DATE. Any entry balances not received by the balance deadline (except those called up from the waiting list) will be charged a $50 late fee. Entry balances not received within three (3) days of the balance deadline will result in forfeiture of the entry and the next eligible angler from the waiting list who followed the purchasing of information, no information and off-limits rules will be invited to compete.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Entry fees are $5,500 per qualifying tournament with a $1,000 deposit per tournament due upon entry followed by payment for the balance of the entry fee according to the schedule outlined below:
A pro may be permitted to miss a tournament for proper cause with prior approval from the tournament director. Missing a tournament does not relieve a pro from his/her obligation to pay the full entry fee for the event. There are no refunds for missed events. Missing an event without prior approval will result in ineligibility to participate in future Tackle Warehouse Invitationals.
3. POINT STANDINGS, REQUALIFICATION & BASS PRO TOUR ADVANCEMENT • 200 points are awarded to the winner of each qualifying tournament, 199 to 2nd, 198 to 3rd, etc. All pros who receive weight credit receive points. The top pro from the point standings after six (6) tournaments wins the Tackle Warehouse Invitational Angler of the Year title. The top five (5) pros based on Angler of the Year rank qualify for the 2026 Bass Pro Tour. The top 50 pros based on Angler of the Year rank qualify for the Tackle Warehouse Invitationals Championship. The top 75 pros based on Angler of the Year rank requalify for the 2026 Tackle Warehouse Invitationals. All ties will be broken first by total weight for the season, then by total fish for the season and then by total live fish for the season.
4. PURCHASING OF INFORMATION • The purchasing of, or bartering for, information about locating or catching fish on tournament waters, including but not limited to GPS waypoints (other than through commercially available sources) and the hiring of fishing guide services is not permitted once the schedule is announced or a contestant becomes aware of a tournament location, whichever date is earliest. The sharing of tournament winnings with noncontestants in exchange for information about locating or catching fish on tournament waters is strictly prohibited and will be cause for disqualification from the entire tournament. The purchasing of, or bartering for, fishing locations from another contestant is strictly prohibited and will be cause for both contestants to be disqualified from the entire tournament.
5. NO INFORMATION, OFF-LIMITS, PRACTICE & COMPETITION • Unless otherwise noted, tournament waters will go off-limits thirty (30) days prior to the first practice day in all tournaments. Pros may not enter tournament waters to fish, test equipment, sightsee, or for any reason without MLF permission during the off-limits period. Pros may not solicit and/or receive information or advice from noncontestants about locating or catching fish on tournament waters once the off-limits period begins. Any pro who inadvertently receives information from a noncontestant about locating or catching fish on tournament waters must contact the tournament director as soon as practical and share the information. If the information is determined to be relevant, the tournament director will share it with the entire field. Pros are permitted to talk with other Tackle Warehouse Invitational pros about tournament waters and share tackle until they are eliminated from competition, at which time they are considered noncontestants. Pros are allowed to personally research public information such as maps, internet search engines, print material, etc. and to purchase charts and maps through commercially available sources. Pros are not permitted to view MLF live on-the-water coverage or archived MLF live on-the-water coverage from the current tournament after competition has begun until they are eliminated from competition. Viewing coverage from past tournaments is permissible. Beginning with practice and extending through competition, pros may not place markers, brush or other physical fish attractors, including chum of any kind, in tournament waters nor may they have someone do so on their behalf. Beginning with practice and extending through competition, pros may not participate in the practice of “hole sitting” by anyone. Pros eliminated after each round of competition are considered noncontestants. Tournament waters will reopen for practice three days prior to check-in day. Tournament waters are off-limits on check-in day. No practice is permitted at night during the designated practice period just before each tournament. Pros may only be on the water from 30 minutes before sunrise through 30 minutes after sunset. Pros may practice alone, with an approved media representative or a guest arranged by MLF. Approved media representatives may also ride along with pros during competition. Media representatives and guests are not permitted to fish or assist in locating fish. Flights over tournament waters are not permitted beginning with the start of the off-limits period, extending through practice and competition days. The use of drones is not permitted beginning with the start of the off-limits period, extending through practice and competition days. Drones are permitted by approved media representatives working on a pro’s behalf. Pros may not view drone video prior to or during a tournament unless the video is made public on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube and MLF is tagged. Quasi-public websites, blogs and/or social media pages, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Periscope, set up for the specific purpose of sharing information with individuals or a small group of individuals are NOT public. Media representatives must get approval from the tournament director prior to flying a drone. Passenger flights that momentarily cross tournament waters enroute to the tournament location are permitted.
Tournament | No Information/ Off-limits Starting Date | Practice Dates | Check-in/Off Day |
Kissimmee Chain | Jan 18, 2025 | Feb 17-19, 2025 | Feb 20, 2025 |
Hartwell | Feb 8, 2025 | Mar 10-12, 2025 | Mar 13, 2025 |
Smith | Mar 12, 2025 | Apr 11-13, 2025 | Apr 14, 2025 |
Pickwick | Apr 5, 2025 | May 5-7, 2025 | May 8, 2025 |
James River | May 17, 2025 | Jun 16-18, 2025 | Jun 19, 2025 |
St. Lawrence River | Jun 21, 2025 | Jul 21-23, 2025 | Jul 24, 2025 |
Mississippi River | Aug 2, 2025 | Sep 1-3, 2025 | Sep 4, 2025 |
6. CHECK-IN & PRETOURNAMENT MEETING • Each pro must check in at the designated site. Check-in hours are 2-4 p.m. local time the day before each tournament’s start date. Pros checking in between 4-4:15 p.m. will pay a $25 late fee. Pros who fail to notify the tournament director and are more than 15 minutes late for check-in may forfeit their entry fee and not be entered in the tournament. It is mandatory that all pros attend the pretournament meeting that will be held at 4:30 p.m. local time the day before each tournament. In an emergency or due to an MLF sponsor obligation, pros may request permission from the tournament director to miss the meeting. It is the pro’s responsibility, however, to know takeoff times, check-in times, off-limits areas, size and creel limits, and any other relevant tournament information that may be presented in the meeting. Pros who fail to notify the tournament director and do not attend the pretournament meeting may receive a 30-minute delayed start on opening day. Virtual pretournament meetings may be held in place of in-person check-ins and meetings, in which case details will be provided in tournament confirmation emails.
7. SAFETY • Safe boating must be observed at all times. Each pro is required to wear a fastened U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device anytime the combustion engine is running from boat check until weigh-in each day of the tournament. All boats must be equipped with a factory-installed emergency ignition-shutoff device that must be securely attached to the driver’s body with a standard-length, factory tether whenever the combustion engine is running and in gear. Pros may fish and charge batteries using an onboard charger by letting the combustion engine idle in neutral only if everyone in the boat is wearing a fastened U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device. All persons must be seated and a driver must be behind the steering wheel in full control of the boat whenever it is on plane or the combustion engine is running and in gear. At the discretion of the tournament director, tournament days may be shortened, postponed or canceled due to unsafe weather or water conditions. Pros may leave their boat and seek shelter in bad weather or when danger is imminent. Pros involved in boating accidents and/or safety incidents may be required to complete a BoatUS Foundation boating safety course before participating in another MLF tournament. A free course for each state is available at
8. SPORTSMANSHIP • All pros are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation and to conduct themselves in a manner that will be a credit to themselves, to MLF, MLF’s sponsors, the sport of fishing and MLF’s efforts to promote the sport. Conduct not complying with these standards includes, but is not limited to, the following:
In case of any conduct not complying with the standards outlined above, MLF shall have the right to refuse an application to compete, to deny a confirmed application to compete by returning the entry fee (minus deposit), to disqualify a pro or impose any penalty outlined in paragraph 1.
9. BOAT OPERATION • Pros will have complete control of boat operation and waters to be fished. Pros may only use mobile communication devices, including but not limited to, cell phones, tablets, marine radios, walkie-talkies, CBs, etc., during tournament hours in response to an emergency, to communicate with lockmasters about locking, to communicate with the tournament director or to communicate with MLF editors or producers. Pros may use smart phones and/or tablets during tournament hours for GPS, mapping, weather, power generation, barge traffic updates, tidal charts, personal fishing notes and related data. At no time during tournament hours may pros place calls or texts except as outlined above. At no time during tournament hours may pros read or discuss social media posts from other pros. During tournament hours pros are not permitted to livestream or to participate in any livestream other than opportunities arranged by MLF. Pros are expected to compete every day for which they are qualified; failure to do so may result in ineligibility to compete in future MLF tournaments. If a special circumstance arises that inhibits a pro’s ability to compete, the tournament director may allow the pro to withdraw from competition and maintain the weight caught to that point.
10. BOAT & HORSEPOWER REGULATION • All boats must be equipped with wheel steering; no other steering device will be permitted. No barges or similarly cumbersome craft will be permitted. All boats must be propeller-driven, have a rear deck and be powered by at least a 150-horsepower outboard motor. Maximum horsepower for all outboards used in tournament competition will be 250 horsepower, not to exceed the horsepower capacity set forth on the “Maximum Capacities” placard described below. Each boat must have all required U.S. Coast Guard safety equipment. Each boat must have a clearly legible “Maximum Capacities” (or comparably titled) placard that includes a maximum horsepower rating affixed to the boat by the manufacturer. The horsepower of the outboard engine must not exceed the maximum horsepower capacity specified on this placard or the 250-horsepower maximum set by MLF. Boats must contain a properly aerated livewell space to maintain alive a limit catch of bass. By signing the Release of Liability form, pros agree to submit their boat and/or motor to an inspection by MLF personnel. Falsifying information on entry forms or altering the horsepower numbers on the motor or rating placard will be cause for disqualification from the tournament and may result in ineligibility to compete in future MLF tournaments. Fishing platforms must be factory-installed equipment or commercially available aftermarket equipment that is permanently installed in the boat. No portable platforms may be used in tournament competition. Fuel may be carried only in factory-installed (built-in) fuel tanks. Any additional fuel used during the tournament day must be purchased from a retail facility open to the public and pumped through a hose with a nozzle. The use of generators, other than solar or wind-powered generators, is prohibited in pro boats during tournament hours on all competition days.
11. FORWARD FACING & 360-DEGREE SONAR • All boats are limited to the use of two forward facing or 360-degree sonar transducers in any combination. Forward facing transducers are defined as any transducer that provides live (real-time) images. Three hundred- and sixty-degree (360) transducers are defined as any transducer producing a beam that rotates 360 degrees. Forward Facing and/or 360-degree sonar is allowed during practice, on day 1 and on day 3. Forward facing and/or 360-degree sonar is not allowed on day 2. Forward facing and 360-degree transducers must be disconnected and the cable plugs must be covered with a high-visibility cap provided by MLF during times when use is not allowed. Boats rigged with more than two forward facing or 360-degree sonar transducers in any combination must disconnect the excess transducers and cover the cable plugs using a high-visibility cap provided by MLF through the entirety of the tournament.
12. POV SECURITY CAMERAS • All boats must be equipped with a POV security camera provided by MLF that mounts on the back deck seat pedestal, which must remain installed during competition. The camera must be turned on and recording the front deck throughout each tournament day. Cameras will be monitored remotely by MLF throughout each day.
13. PERMITTED FISHING METHODS • Fishing is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the rod in hand. All bass must be caught alive in a conventional sporting manner. All lures must adhere to state regulations. Only artificial lures may be used, with the exception of pork trailers and biodegradable soft baits. All lures are limited to a maximum of five wires with a maximum of five spinners, five lures and three hooks (single or treble) unless state regulations are more restrictive, in which case state regulations prevail. Only ONE fishing rod may be used at a time. Trolling as a method of fishing is strictly prohibited. Trolling is defined as operating the combustion engine to extend a cast or lengthen a retrieve. All bass caught while sight-fishing must be hooked inside the mouth and immediately shown to your Marshal, MLF camera operator or remote POV camera for verification.
14. PERMITTED FISHING LOCATIONS • Pros may fish anywhere on tournament waters available to the public and accessible by boat except areas posted or otherwise designated as “off-limits,” “no boats,” “keep out,” “restricted,” “no trespassing” or “no fishing” (or similar language or markings intended to restrict public access for fishing or safety) by MLF, commercial property owners and/or local, state or federal officials, or within 50 yards of a pro’s boat that was first anchored. An anchored boat is a boat held in a stable position by a line attached to a weight or by a Power-Pole or similar shallow water anchor with the trolling motor in the up position. These areas should be considered walled off. Your lure may not enter these waters. Pros are not permitted to encroach on another pro, anchor and receive the 50-yard protection outlined above. All fishing must be conducted from the boat. At no time may a pro leave the boat to land a fish or to make the boat more accessible to fishing waters. Pros are not permitted to alter the factory flotation of their boat, including adding excessive weight (even temporarily by taking on water), to pass under low hanging obstacles. Any pro who is found to have fished in an off-limits area will forfeit his or her catch to that point in time of the tournament day and will be eligible to restart and resume competition under the supervision of the tournament director or his designated tournament official after returning to the check-in point. The cutting of trees, bushes and/or logs after the off-limits date and/or the removal of official commercial, local, state or federal barricades at any time to make an area more accessible by boat or gain access for fishing is strictly prohibited and may result in disqualification from the tournament. The use of cables, ropes, chains or any type of block and tackle system to maneuver a boat into fishing waters is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification from the tournament. Pros must leave and return to the check-in by boat. The boat must remain in the tournament waters during the tournament day. No tournament boat may be loaded on a trailer before the weigh-in except with the permission of the tournament director. In the event of equipment failure or emergency, the tournament director must be notified as soon as it is safe to do so. There are then three permitted methods of returning to the check-in: (1) by remaining in your boat and being towed by water, (2) with permission from the tournament director, by entering the boat of another tournament pro or (3) with permission from the tournament director, sending fish back with another tournament pro provided that the fish are adequately marked or separated so as to provide clear distinction of each pro’s catch to the tournament director. Under these three conditions the pros catch may be counted without a penalty (except for late penalties, dead-fish penalties or other penalties pertaining to other tournament rules). Pros who elect to return to the check-in by any other means than cited above will forfeit their day’s catch to that point in time of the tournament day. Abandoning a boat and leaving it adrift without proper tie-off or anchoring after a mechanical failure may result in disqualification of that day’s weight. Any pro returning to the check-in point will be eligible to restart and resume competition under the supervision of the tournament director or his designated tournament official. It is the sole responsibility of pros to locate the tournament director to request a restart.
15. CHECKPOINTS • There will be only one checkpoint for boat check in the morning and one check-in point in the afternoon. Failure to go through boat check and checkout in the morning or failure to check in at the check-in point will result in disqualification. All fishing must cease upon check-in.
16. LATE PENALTY • Pros who are not at the check-in area at the appointed time will be penalized 1 pound per minute, deducted from the total weight, including any weight to be counted toward the Big Bass Award. Any pro more than 15 minutes late will lose credit for that day’s weight.
17. LIVE FISH • Every effort must be made to keep bass alive through the use of a properly aerated livewell. Four ounces will be deducted from the total weight for each dead bass presented for weigh-in.
18. SCORING • Scoring is determined by the pounds and ounces of each pro’s catch during each tournament. Only largemouth, spotted, redeye, smallmouth or shoal bass, where permitted, are accepted species. No regurgitated forage or other foreign matter may be placed in a bass. The daily limit in each tournament will be five bass unless conditions dictate a reduced limit for conservation purposes or the state or lake limit is less than five, in which case the reduced limits will prevail. After possessing the daily limit, pros must cull immediately upon their next catch. Pros possessing more than the daily limit must notify the tournament director immediately upon discovery of the infraction and reduce his/her catch to the daily limit by releasing live bass. Pros possessing more than the daily limit will be penalized 1 pound for each bass over the limit. Bass are considered in possession once placed in the boat and fishing or travel has resumed. The minimum length limit for bass will be 12 inches unless the state or lake limit is more than 12 inches or MLF sets a longer limit for a specific tournament, in which case, the state or lake limit or longer limit set by MLF for the tournament will prevail. Bass presented for weigh-in that fail to measure the prescribed length limit will be penalized at the rate of 1 pound for each short bass presented. Bass presented for weigh-in with weight clips attached will be penalized at the rate of 4 ounces for each clip. Once bass are presented for weigh-in, the catch is final, and no additional bass will be counted. Each pro’s catch must be presented in an official weigh-in bag. After a pro’s catch is weighed, it must be turned over to MLF or officials designated by MLF for release unless otherwise instructed by the tournament director. On day 3, the top 30 pros (top 10 at the Championship) based on combined weight from days 1 and 2 compete, and the winner is determined by the combined weight from days 1, 2 and 3.
19. TIES • The heaviest one-day catch for the tournament will break ties on day 2. If a tie remains, it will be broken by total number of fish for the tournament, then by total number of live fish for the tournament and then by Angler of the Year standings. If a tie remains, pros will remain tied with pros tied below the cut position awarded points equally based on the tied position. For ties in money positions, awards will be combined and split equally among the tied pros. For ties in the cut position, each tied pro will advance to day 3. Ties for first place on day 3 will be broken by a one-hour fish-off. All other ties will be resolved by day-2 standings. If a tie remains, it will be broken first by the heaviest one-day catch for the tournament, then by second heaviest one-day catch for the tournament, then by total number of fish for the tournament, then by total number of live fish for the tournament and then by Angler of the Year standings. If a tie remains below first place, the pros will remain tied with awards combined and split equally among the tied pros and points awarded equally based on the tied position.
20. LOGO DISPLAY & MEDIA COVERAGE • During all days of competition any and all tobacco logos and logos of bass tournament organizations other than MLF are prohibited and may not be worn or displayed. Vaping, CBD and hemp product logos are not considered tobacco logos. Pros are expected to participate in media opportunities requested by MLF editors and producers during any day of competition. Pros entering all six qualifying tournaments must use a wrapped boat or have sufficient promotional decals applied to the boat so as to reasonably resemble a wrap. All boats, including those used by competitors fishing fewer than six qualifying tournaments must display a minimum 4-inch tall MLF logo or MLF circuit (Bass Pro Tour, Tackle Warehouse Invitational, Toyota Series, Phoenix Bass Fishing League, Abu Garcia College Fishing or Abu Garcia High School Fishing) logo on both sides of the boat above the rub rail and behind the seating area. MLF will provide logo files. Every boat must also include the pro’s name on both sides of the boat above the rub rail and adjacent to the seating area. Temporary use of a nonwrapped boat by pros fishing all six qualifiers is permitted with prior approval from the tournament director. An engine cowling band or temporary decal will be provided to identify the boat as a contestant’s boat. Pros must wear their own apparel with a minimum 2-inch tall MLF logo or MLF circuit (Bass Pro Tour, Tackle Warehouse Invitational, Toyota Series, Phoenix Bass Fishing League, Abu Garcia College Fishing or Abu Garcia High School Fishing) logo on the upper chest and on the upper back. Apparel as outlined above must be worn from takeoff through weigh-in. MLF reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to prohibit any pro’s apparel or boat wrap/decals that it finds to be offensive. Pros may not fish while smoking or vaping if an MLF camera is covering the pro. Smoking and vaping are not allowed in the weigh-in line during all days of competition. MLF may, at its sole discretion, place a camera operator or camera equipment in a tournament boat on any day of competition. Pros will be provided with BUBBA scales for use during competition. Each bass must be weighed on the BUBBA scale before being placed in the livewell. Weights and GPS waypoints recorded on the scales are submitted to MLF and used to facilitate live media coverage. Waypoints are never disclosed to the public. Any pro wearing noncompliant apparel, using a boat that does not meet the wrap and logo criteria listed above, or who fails to use the BUBBA scale provided by MLF is subject to a fine of $500 per violation, per tournament. Multiple violations or failure to pay fines may result in ineligibility to compete in future Invitationals.
21. TRUTH VERIFICATION TEST • Each pro agrees to submit, by signature on the Release of Liability form, to a polygraph or voice stress analysis examination and to abide by its conclusion. Failure to pass an examination will result in disqualification from the tournament. Truth verification tests will be used at MLF’s sole discretion, and the determination of the meaning of the results will be made solely by MLF.
22. INSURANCE • Liability insurance with coverage of not less than $300,000 per occurrence is required of all pros in Tackle Warehouse Invitationals. Proof of insurance must be with the boat being used and must cover all passengers in the boat. Random checks will be conducted. Failure to provide proof of insurance when requested by the tournament director may result in disqualification.
23. CAPTIONS • The captions at the beginning of each paragraph are intended to facilitate convenience in referring to the various rules. The captions are not part of the substance of the paragraph and should not be used in construction of any paragraph or of this overall set of rules.