Bass Pro Tour — Forward-Facing Sonar FAQ

Image for Bass Pro Tour — Forward-Facing Sonar FAQ
January 3, 2025 • MLF • Bass Pro Tour

In 2025, a suite of new forward-facing sonar rules will go into effect across MLF’s tournament circuits. Here are some of the frequently asked questions specific to the Bass Pro Tour.

Link to Hi-Res Photos of lock box from Precision Sonar device
Link to Video demonstrating use of lock box from Precision Sonar

What is the forward-facing sonar rule change for the 2025 Bass Pro Tour? 

No more than two forward facing or 360-degree sonar transducers, in any combination, may be rigged on a boat used during practice and/or competition. Forward facing transducers are defined as any transducer that provides live (real-time) images. Three hundred-and-sixty-degree (360) transducers are defined as any transducer producing a beam that rotates 360 degrees.

Additionally, all side imaging and 2D transducers must be mounted conventionally with 2D transducers aimed downward and side imaging transducers aimed to port and starboard. No side imaging or 2D transducer may be mounted so as to provide forward looking images. All transducers must be stock, commercially-available units. Auto sweep features native to some trolling motors or available as aftermarket accessories that automatically rotate side imaging transducers to provide forward imaging are prohibited.

  • Pros competing on the 2025 Bass Pro Tour will only be allowed to use forward-facing and 360-degree sonar for one of three periods each day.
  • Anglers will declare their use of the technology to their MLF official before the start of the period of their choice and receive verbal confirmation during the preceding break.
  • Once a period begins, use of forward facing and/or 360-degree sonar cannot be added until the start of the next period.
  • The MLF official on each boat will have a key to the lock box and will allow the angler to unlock the lock box during the period break for use in the next period or for the next day.
  • Before the start of the non-forward-facing or 360-degree sonar periods, anglers must disconnect all forward-facing and 360-degree sonar transducers and ensure cable plugs are covered and locked with the lock box provided by MLF.
  • Forward facing or 360-degree sonar transducers are allowed during practice and during the 30-minute ride around prior to Lines In.
  • Fans watching on MLFNOW! will see an indicator on SCORETRACKER® next to each angler’s name showing who is actively using the technology, who has used them or still has them available.

Why it this rule change being implemented?

To allow tournament anglers to utilize the fish-catching power of forward-facing and 360-degree sonar technology while still preserving traditional fishing techniques enjoyed by millions of anglers and fans. 

When does the new rule go into effect?

January 1, 2025.

Are there any exceptions to the two-transducer rule or the one-period usage rule for specific tournaments or circumstances?

The 2025 rule applies to all seven regular-season Bass Pro Tour stages and REDCREST 2025. There will be no restrictions in the General Tire Heavy Hitters or General Tire Team Series, where anglers compete out of similarly equipped, league-provided boats that level the playing field. Use of forward-facing and 360-degree sonar will be permitted during practice and during the 30-minute ride around prior to Lines In.

What is the lock box, and how does it work?

The lock box is a device designed and engineered by Precision Sonar to enforce MLF’s new forward-facing sonar rules. It disables the use of transducers by locking and securing the cable plugs with a high-visibility lock box. This ensures compliance with the rule while maintaining fairness during tournaments.

Who is required to use the lock box during Bass Pro Tour tournaments?

Any Bass Pro Tour competitor who has forward-facing and/or 360-degree sonar transducers installed on their boat is required to use the lock box to disable all applicable transducers during the two periods of competition that they designate as non-forward-facing or 360-degree sonar periods.

Where do anglers get the lock box?

MLF officials will bring the lock box to the angler’s competition boat each morning of competition prior to launch.

What is the installation process for the lock box, and how long does it take?

Installing the lock box is a quick and simple process. Competitors will disconnect transducers and secure the cable plugs using the self-locking lock box provided. The installation typically takes just a few seconds and can be easily completed during a period break.

How do I remove the lock box after use during a period?

The MLF official on each boat will have a key to the lock box and will allow the angler to unlock the lock box during the period break for use in the next period or for the next day.

How will the rule be enforced?

MLF officials will be overseeing the use of the lock box and enforcing forward-facing or 360-degree sonar use throughout each period and the entirety of the event.

What happens if I fail to comply with the new sonar rule or the use of the lock box?

Non-compliance with the new forward-facing sonar rule or failure to use the lock box as required may result in penalties, disqualification or other disciplinary actions as determined by the Tournament Director.

What do I do if I forget to have my lock box removed after the event?

Contact Daniel Fennel, MLF Tournament Director.

Can I use the lock box for other purposes outside of MLF tournaments?

The lock box is designed for MLF tournament compliance and will not be sold or used for any other purposes.

What should I do if I experience technical issues with the lock box during an event?

If you encounter any technical issues with the lock box, immediately notify the MLF official. They will assist in resolving the issue to ensure you remain compliant with the rules.

Who do I contact for questions about the lock box?

Bass Pro Tour anglers should contact Daniel Fennel, MLF Tournament Director, for any additional questions regarding the lock box.