As pastimes go, there aren’t many that are more American than bass fishing. That’s why we hope that all FLW members and fans find some time this Memorial Day weekend to get out on the water and enjoy a safe and successful day of celebration with rod and reel in hand. But also, please don’t forget all the soldiers and first responders who’ve sacrificed their time and, too often, their lives to protect the freedoms we love so much. It is for their sacrifices that we celebrate and give thanks. We owe them a debt of gratitude.
Here at FLW, we're a patriotic bunch, and therefore have a few important tournament traditions worth noting. First, before every tournament takeoff someone says a prayer, and undoubtedly gives thanks for the members of the armed forces who protect our freedoms. Then everyone faces the flag and reflects during the playing of the The Star-Spangled Banner. Every angler must idle past FLW's flag boat on the way out, then pass it again at check-in time. Finally, FLW plays the anthem again before weigh-in, and there's always a U.S. flag on display on the weigh-in trailer.
Understandbly, the flag makes many appearances in the photos that FLW's media team takes at events across the country. Sometimes it's the focus of the shot; other times it's flying high in the background. With Memorial Day weekend upons us, we figured a gallery of Old Glory photos would hit the spot.
Enjoy, and have a safe and pleasant weekend.